Physical Development
Our vision for Physical Education at William Lilley:
Our children develop an understanding of the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle; including physical and mental health. Children have a progressive curriculum which builds on their gross and fine motor skills and builds into skills for Gymnastics, Games and Dance. Physical activity is evident within each day and sports funding is utilised to enhance CPD, accessing local opportunities and promote physical activity for all.
- Outside providers offering taster sessions invited in throughout the year eg tennis roadshow
- Physical intervention and support for children to enhance gross and fine motor skills including group work and funfit.
- Strategy to link physical activity to wellbeing and PSHE through activities such as yoga and peer massage
- After school clubs
- Sport coach employed to lead KS1
- Continuous provision outdoors within EYFS including the use of climbing equipment, Balance bikes, PE trolley, obstacle course and cars
- Physical development plan for the progressive development of Gross and fine motor skills
- Continuous provision indoors within EYFS to support fine motor skills
- Clear link from PE to writing and fine motor support and intervention such as Squiggle to wiggle, squiggle to write
- Physical opportunities throughout all outdoor areas including trim-trail, balance beams and climbing
- Healthy eating promoted through school – lunchtime choices, water in water bottles
- Enhancement opportunities such as multi-skills and Sports Day
- TLG – PE planning and assessment
- Local area enhanced opportunities such as ice skating and martial arts
- Friday enrichment clubs focus upon physical skills
- Active playtime plan
- Year 2 residential focusing upon adventurous activities
- Sports funding carefully planned and monitored for optimum impact